Wednesday, March 2, 2011

YUKON/Mom Mara Alone/March/11

YUKON/Jennifer & Mom Mara/Feb/11(Part 1)

I'd always wanted to share this very unique part of the world with my children so Jennifer and I came up to the Yukon, Feb. 20th.

We stayed at a gorgeous place, Inn On the Lake, and did a day on the snowmobile and into a lake to do ice fishing--no bites. Hot tub, walks, relaxing, gourmet meals.

Then in Whitehorse rented a car and out to Stehlin's Ranch/B&B--a family I had met last time here 2 years ago.They have 50+ acres, have horses and a large house they share with visitors. We enjoyed Sourdough Rendezvous with many activities: Snowshoe Shufflers chorus line, can can dancers, Sourdough Sams tall tales, fiddle playing at the '98--an old time pub with mainly First Nations as patrons. Enjoyed McBride Museum--old time items and history--which was excellent, Beringia Museum--with emphasis on the crossing of the Bering Strait during last Ice Age.

Sourdough means a person who survives their first Yukon winter. Activities also included chain saw throwing, flour packing (woman's weight-513 lbs), dog pulling, ice sculpturing, buck sawing, wife carrying. During the last weekend the temp. dipped to -37 deg. with wind chill. Never have experienced such a thing and couldn't last with it. That was the day I bought a moose hide/lynx fur hat with ear flaps--a really good thing to have this spring while driving Goldie, my convertible in Vancouver.

Went to Takhini Hot Springs one evening as well as to the Rec. Centre hot tub with its olympic size pools. A highlight was the Yukon Wildlife Reserve--silver fox, wood bison, musk ox, elk, cariboo, owl, lynx, moutain sheep and goat--on a small bus through 7o acres.

Lots of time in galleries, looking for Northern Lights, talking and sharing. A super great time
making more memories.

Am always amazed at the abundance of sun and blue sky. Definitely quite the treat for us!

YUKON/Jennifer & Mom Mara/Feb/11(Part 2)

ENGAGEMENT PARTY: Jennifer & Howard/Jan./11

And again...another surprise engagement party for Jennifer & Howard, Jan. 8th. We had hoped being so close to Christmas that they would not suspect something but I think some birdie might have chirped!

It was a great time also, this time everyone inside of course.